Thursday, December 13, 2012

Where will this one take us?

Moments like these make life so fulfilling!  I am so grateful for my children.  Our littlest one was not feeling well last night.  He had a low-grade fever and seemed really uncomfortable.  All he wanted was to be close to someone.  As if to say, "As long as someone is near me I can endure anything."  I love snuggling my children when they are not feeling well-- it is so rewarding to be able to comfort them. 

We are off on another adventure, however, this time we are not sure exactly where we are headed.  I have been teaching seminary as a Student Teacher for the last 18 months.  I have a week and two days left teaching and then on to something new.  I am excited about the change.    I will really miss teaching seminary, but I always like a new challenge.  I enjoy opportunities to prove my faith and to qualify for revelation.

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